After many months of letting my hair grow and looking for a cheap place to cut them I finaly went to a Chinese hairdresser! Who wants to pay 30$ in Japan just to get his hair cut? Well not me when my daily budget is about 25$!!

So I in the place and trying to make them understand that I want the cheapest thing, just a haircut.
Them : “Do you want shampoo?”
Me : “Bah, no I wash this morning”
My friend : “Yes he want shampoo. Dude it’s so nice you have to get one”
Me : “er.. ok.”

It was so nice! It’s more like a head massage then a shampoo. I almost felt asleep at some point. She was scrubbing, petting my head, it was so cool!
Then came the time of cutting, I felt on an operation table! The girl who was washing my head was standing there looking at the one who was cutting my hair and give her the “instruments” when she needed another one. At some point I couldn’t stop smillig and had problem not laughing, I looked like a Playmobile!! or Lego caracter! It was horrible! I could imagine the face of my friend JF (who left me there) laughing at me for the next month and calling me Playmobile or PM or Lego or simply : You Hugly One.

The final result was not that bad. It looked like the haircut I had in Montreal before I left. But I had way more emotions here in China then ever before while I got my hair cut.